Vision Insurance

Home For You Vision Insurance

Keep an eye on your vision health.

What is vision insurance?

Vision insurance makes it easy to maintain routine checkups and appointments regarding eye health. Our knowledgeable team will help find the best plan for you and your family.

Why do you need it?

Eye exams, like regular physicals, are an important part of routine preventative health care. Butler Byers has access to plans from many reputable companies. With multiple markets for us to choose from, we’re sure to get you the best plan and rate for your needs.

What is covered with vision insurance?

Other coverage options may also be included and are not limited to what has been indicated.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much insurance do I need?

That’s where we come in. We will gather information to determine the best coverage for your and your family.

Does my policy cover my child’s eye care needs?

If you have dependants or minors covered in your health policy they will be entered to vision benefits as well.

Does my policy cover Lasik Eye Surgery?

A portion of the cost of laser eye surgery is covered with the basic health/vision plan. Your Butler Byers Account Manager can provide more details.

Let’s get started.

Contact us and we’ll help you get the best coverage for your needs.

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