Vehicle Insurance

Home For You Vehicle Insurance

Driving a vehicle can be unpredictable at times, so let’s make the insurance part easy.

What is auto insurance?

Protect yourself over and above the basic insurance provided by your plates registration. Auto insurance package policies are available in a range of payment, coverage, and deductible options to suit you and your needs. Butler Byers is one of the most competitive auto insurance brokers in Saskatchewan. Our knowledgeable brokers will find the best plan for you and your vehicle.

Why do you need it?

Car insurance makes certain that you are financially responsible for any damages you might cause. When you pay the policy’s premium, you maintain the ability to get those damages covered in the event that someone makes a claim against you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much insurance do I need?

In Saskatchewan, you must carry at least $200,000 in liability coverage however higher limits are recommended. Your Butler Byers Account Manager will guide you through these options.

What is a package policy?

A package policy groups various insurance coverages into a single policy to protect against multiple types of liability and risk. Package policies are customizable and offer a high level of coverage for losses that usually occur together.

Why do I need vehicle insurance if I have plate insurance?

In many situations, your basic plate insurance will not be enough to cover the damage to your vehicle and, if you’re found to be at fault, your legal responsibility. Vehicle insurance lowers your deductible (for most vehicles, it starts at $700) and lessens the financial impact on your loved ones should you be injured or killed in a motor vehicle accident.

How does insurance affect my deductible?

Package policies can change what your deductible costs you in the event of an accident. Depending on your insurance needs and what you’d like your monthly payments to be, you can lower your deductible, increase your deductible, or, in some situations, completely waive your deductible. Speak with your Butler Byers Account Manager to customize your deductible.

Let’s get started.

Visit the SGI Canada link below or contact us to learn more about your vehicle insurance options

What you’ll need:

  • Plate number
  • Driver’s license number
  • Bill of sale
  • Void cheque/banking letter (for monthly payments)

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